Graeme Payne's Seelands Studio Gallery

Caricatures & Special Projects

Pieces of art for a special occasion or special someone


Celebrate your loved one's milestone

Whether it be a birthday or a major retirement milestone, caricatures are a fun way to bring someones personality to life in a timeless piece. 

I achieve my caricatures through a combination of mediums including pencil and ink. 

Caricatures Grafton NSW

The Earth Charter Series

What is the Earth Charter?

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. 

It seeks to inspire in all people, a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family and the larger living world. 

It is an expression of hope and a call to help create a global partnership at a critical juncture in history.

I turned my interpretations of each of the 16 Earth Charter principles into artworks. View the complete series here.

Special Projects

One of a kind artwork

In 2022, I completed two significant special projects – one for each of my daughters. 

Each painting was completed in oil on canvas and took over 650 hours combined, to complete! Both are approximately 2000mm x 1800mm.

Seelands Studio Gallery artist graeme payne and family

The first piece, titled “Diversity”, was completed for my eldest daughter for her new home and son. I hope he grows up with a deep love and appreciation for our natural world in all its lifeforms. 

The second, titled “Australian Diversity” was completed for my youngest daughter who is widely passionate about Australia’s native fauna, particularly Australian birdlife. 

Other Special Project Creations